Archive for June, 2014


June 29, 2014

Simply put, in order for us to be victorious, we have to be Orthodox.

If Hashim Thaçi knew how many people, including Albanians, have received protection and help, have been saved and are being saved through the intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God, by the prayers of the Holy Church, he never would have said those stupid words claiming that the Orthodox church in Prishtina “disfigures the appearance of the city”! If you destroy the church, God will also destroy Prishtina. In fact, he ought to know this, after all: his great-grandfather was an Orthodox priest… And all the evil that happened in Kosovo and Metohia was wrought by the hands of janissaries,7 ethnic Serbs who converted to Islam. But real Albanians are very fine, good and God-fearing people.

The following incident also happened with the Judases of that time: bandits came to the Holy Mountain and devastated it. One elder, who worked in the vineyard on Athos, was reading the Akathist to the Theotokos. The Mother of God appeared to him and said, “Go into the monastery and tell the Abbot: Whichever of the brethren want to, let them flee into the forest, but whoever doesn’t flee, the enemy will give him no peace.” Out of all the brethren, 300 monks hid in the forest; only 25 stayed. The invaders came and locked the monks who had stayed in the belfry. Two of the monks became frightened and went over to the enemy side. The robbers burned the 23 monks locked in the belfry. Two stayed in the monastery with the heretics. One went to the belfry to ring the bells—the bell fell on him and killed him. The other went into the field, and a snake bit him. And they buried the bodies of both of these monks in the monastery. Holy King Milutin freed the Holy Mountain from the Uniates and drove them away. Then he summoned the monks who had fled into the woods to return to the monastery. After a year had elapsed the brothers who had returned—in accordance with Athonite tradition—dug up the bodies of the two monks who had perished in order to place the remains in a special burial vault. But their bodies were intact! Only black. And this is a sign of damnation. And they put these bodies in large containers and brought them to Greece, and there they are to this day with this appearance: as if alive, but—black! After 700 years have elapsed already! They are in these vessels and await the Dread Judgment…. I have seen them—really, it is frightening. The fate of traitors is horrible.


June 28, 2014

Vera Graziadei tears to pieces the Western media circus on Ukraine!

…..on a purely human level, setting aside any political allegiances and geopolitical goals, how can any journalist with conscience and heart, ignore the catastrophe that these people find themselves in? How can they not report what Kiev’s government is doing to them?

Well, the answer is quite simple here. They have no heart and no conscience left, no human  empathy, they have made their choice and have chosen the father of lies. The sin against the truth is the sin against the Holy Spirit, it’s the sin of the devil. That’s why the Lord called it unforgivable!

They are demons, even if they still have a body for the time being. So, contrary to the devil, they can still repent, but don’t bet the ranch on that!


June 27, 2014

The EU unelected clowns have just associated us all with the caricature* of a Nazi regime. In Europe, it’s forbidden to research and even talk about Nazism, but it’s okay to support its bloody caricature, to the point of taking it to bed.

*the modern perception of German National Socialism, as propagandized by Hollywood movies and history books written exclusively to support the mythological foundation of the current power structures (not only) in the West.
Many serious people religiously believe in that caricature, so that they appear rather burlesque themselves.


“It stopped raining, but now I’m crying. I’m knocking on your window. Anyone’s window, who is reading. Can you look up at the cloud? That black cloud above you? Can you see mangled lifeless bodies in it? Dead disfigured bodies? Children with bullets through their bodies? Traumatised children with wounds? Scars for life? stolen childhoods? Women with heads blown off? Legs blown off? Tanks rolling over unarmed people? Bombs tearing bodies apart? Bullets blowing people’s brains out? Blood and pieces of flesh thrown about a pavement? Corpses piled up in a corner of a room? Limbs torn off and scattered about? Can you see it? CAN YOU SEE IT? I can.”




van rompuy barroso



June 27, 2014
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: negotiations between Brussels and Washington

The following information refers to the way in which the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) is being negotiated between Brussels and Washington. We use the term “Brussels” because indeed, it is being negotiated between the European Commission and the United States, not between the member states and the United States. The latter is currently imposing a non-disclosure of the proposition negotiations to the member states, under the pretense that the federal government of the United States does not disclose the European propositions to the individual governments of its federated states.

The only way by which the European Commission has shared these propositions with its member states has been inacceptable: through “documents reserve rooms” where individuals can consult the American files, on the payment of a fee and within a strict set of regulations: no copying, photography, or writing instruments are allowed in the room. Only two individuals are allowed in the reserve room at once, and for a limited time.

Under these conditions, the administrative services of the member states will not have the capacity to analyze the American proposition: despite a maximum capacity to “screen” the information made available, one administration at a time, too many of the weak links will remain overlooked: no one is immune from missing the important lines, placed where they are least expected it or purposefully hidden, which may produce serious risks for either our exportation practices, or in terms of importation.

Up to now it was assumed that, even if individual citizens could not participate in the negotiation processes, the interests of each member state would be defended through the analytical work of each ministry on their particular register of issues. The rigidity of the US on the question of confidentiality leaves all decision taking to the European Commission; when one looks upon the results on display in Canada, it’s very concerning.

Besides, the operative argument shows that the United States have not understood the structure of the European Union: how can we negotiate under such conditions, when they are projecting their institutional reality upon us?

We need to alert the general public about these procedures of negotiations, which are much more serious than the non-communication of the mandate (which was negotiated by the member states after an analysis by the services of each state).

Europeans have no idea to what extent they are being colonized, in the strict sense of the word, by the United States. This information should be disseminated as broadly as possible, as it is eye-opening. Even if it is probably already too late…

Jean-Paul Baquiast             (via The Saker)

* A common cavity at the end of the digestive tract for the release of both excretory and genital products in vertebrates (except most mammals) and certain invertebrates.

The article does not mention the fact that without the complicity of the leaders of member States no such kind of “negotiations” could be possible. (ndM)


June 26, 2014

Prologue – The offspring of men who even the SS despised!



June 25, 2014

A far deadlier attack than 9/11 in the US.

If I’d live in America you could color me very worried!


June 25, 2014

La Commissione di monitoraggio per i diritti umani delle Nazioni Unite ha pubblicato un rapporto sulla questione ucraina. La relazione potrebbe stimolare Kiev, gli Stati Uniti e l’Unione Europea, “…se solo l’Occidente rispettasse ancora le Nazioni Unite”, come afferma amaramente un articolo di The Voice of Russia del 20 giugno.

Il rapporto di 58 pagine elenca le violazioni di diritti umani e convenzioni internazionali da parte del governo ucraino:

– Detenzioni, rapimenti, torture e uccisioni di civili, tra cui donne e bambini.

– Bombardamenti di ospedali e asili.

– Sequestri e scomparse di attivisti filo-russi (11 casi documentati nel rapporto).

– Uccisioni e arresti di giornalisti da parte delle forze ucraine.

– Aumento delle tensioni e delle provocazioni attraverso i media federali.

– La tragedia di Odessa del 2 maggio è definita “un crimine mostruoso”, esteso attraverso le minacce di morte ai feriti della strage e i depistaggi delle indagini.

Altre parti del documento fanno riferimento a violazioni in tema di Euromaidan, dei referendum nelle zone di Donetsk e Lugansk e delle elezioni presidenziali del 25 maggio, parlando di un aggravio di violazioni delle norme internazionali dopo il 7 giugno.

Oggi, anche i media ucraini iniziano a riconoscere che quella in atto nel Donbass è un’operazione punitiva, e ad ammettere che il paese deve affrontare il fascismo.

Human Rights Watch (HRW), l’Organizzazione per la Sicurezza e la Cooperazione in Europa (OSCE), i giornalisti della CNN e deputati europei condannano il governo ucraino per la violazione delle convenzioni internazionali attraverso l’uso di armi chimiche contro i civili, compresi i bambini, e per le proposte di campi di concentramento e di estradizione dei propri cittadini.

In pratica, il rapporto ONU copre tutti i crimini che abbiamo denunciato su questo blog, a partire dal rovesciamento del governo legittimo in Ucraina (guardate i post degli ultimi quattro mesi per accertarvene), attività che non abbiamo certo intrapreso con piacere, ma che abbiamo ritenuto necessario compiere, stante il grande silenzio stampa da parte dei media generalisti in Italia riguardo a questa tragedia.                                                     Padre Ambrogio                               (details in english here)


June 23, 2014

John 6, 66

“After this many of His disciples drew back and no longer went about with Him.”

On any given Sunday, what is the most likely reason for why a youth might not be in Liturgy (or Mass, or Morning Worship, or Praise/Celebration/Happening)?

Because, statistically speaking, he or she is probably not.

The present reality is very different from that moment of Pentecost, when thousands entered the new apostolic church and continued to do so at an obviously miraculous rate. Contrary to the nattering doctrines of church growth and evangelism consultants (and especiatlly the hysterical secret-agent folk of the New Apostolic Reformation), the “numbers added daily” was never a goal for the church, or even a “value.”

It was a sign, rather, and the signification was obvious. The entirety of human nature, renewed and assumed into Christ, had become the Holy of Holies. The new eschatological Israel was now present and real.

But nowadays, there is no such sign — at least, not phenomenonally here, not in the globalized West. The inescapable fact is that the Christian West is living in a patently “John 6.66″ moment. If you do not know this verse, with its troubling numerical reference, permit me to refresh your memory:

“After this many of His disciples drew back and no longer went about with Him.”

It should be noted that the incarnate Second Person of the Trinity actually experienced a decline in His attendance figures. This was immediately after His troubling doctrinal teaching on the Trinity and the Eucharist.

Across the board, “Christian participation” in religion is in sharp decline — even in the Orthodox community, much as we would rather not admit. And please do not bring up megachurch numbers as a counter-narrative: those numbers mostly represent people who have laterally migrated from one Christian community to another. (The megachurch is to more authentic neighboring parishes what a brandnew Super WalMart is to mom and pop stores downtown.)

There are a number of reasons for this unprecedented net decline — most of which I would like to roll up into a single term:

The Enemy.

Who, or what, is this Enemy, that we might strategize about him, that we might go to seminars and purchase books about him, that we might do money-raising projects and consciousness-raising programs about him?

It is not the Romans — they have been “christianized” long ago.

It is not the Mormons or Moslems — who are equally non-Orthodox (the “christologies” of these two traditions  are not completely dissimilar).

It is true that in other places — like the Middle East and parts of Africa — that Islamicists are waging an aggression against Christian populations. But in the West — in Europe mostly and increasing in North America — mosques are established mainly in the gray shadowed absence of faithful Christianity.

The Muslims in the West are displacing no one.

And besides — you probably won’t believe this — according to the 2008 Pew Religious Landscape Survey, the Eastern Orthodox and Muslim communities occupy the exact same proportion of the American population: and that is a whopping 0.6%. No, that isn’t a typo: not 6% … but 0.6%.

The Mormons, contrary to a lot of scare-talk, only amount to 1.7% of the total population.

Obviously, the Enemy is not Chinese, nor North Korean, nor foreign or human at all. And that, by the way, is why racism is so patently anti-Christian — racism is a blasphemous division of human nature, even a fictitious fracturing of the icon of Christ. For the Orthodox, at least, Christians are prohibited from viewing any human as “the Enemy.”

Contrary to these cultural and racial phobias, there is a much bigger enemy that accounts for the across-the-board decline in religious belief and church attendance.

This enemy accounts for the fact that while most Americans still believe in a God and an afterlife, these beliefs are really “opinions,” and loosely-held attitudes.

Real beliefs actually produce real religion, like church attendance, prayer and charity. But “religious opinions” have no power to produce any real religion.

The mere fact that Americans “agree” with a survey statement reveals only an observation that Americans have a positive opinion on God’s existence, with the strong likelihood that they might not want to do anything at all about that opinion.

If religion is demoted to the level of opinion, or, more accurately, “consumer choice,” then like any other choice it can always be easily replaced and switched out with something more convenient or entertaining. Maybe something more “personally fulfilling” will come along.

This state of affairs is really contemporary stuff — religion is not only privatized now, it is also commoditized. Like everything else, religion is passed through a “values clarification” mental evaluation that judges whether or not it is “doing anything good” for the individual. Is it entertaining? Is it fulfilling? Are my kids happy in the youth group? Am I attracted to the leaders and the crowd? Do I feel better about myself?

If not, well then … I’ll just mosey on over to the big megachurch praise center with the Starbucks in the atrium and a rock concert for my kids (and me).

Or just stay home and do a Netflix binge on “House of Cards.” Then go out for a champagne brunch with much prettier people.

Not much difference there. They are both private, consumerist and gnostic.

The Enemy consists of two forces that may or may not be deliberately executed in concert. One is external to the Christian community — and that is the utter consumerification of modern globalized culture. Everything must be commodifiable — if it cannot be (like real doctrine, like sacrament, like real goodness and beauty), then it is relegated to the private sphere. And this private sphere is considered meaningless and without public value.

The other internal force of the Enemy is the ancient degenerative form of religion sloppily called “Gnosticism.” Gnosticism has always been around. It has always opposed theology with sentiment. It has always tried to escape Place and Time. It has always warred against Tradition. It has always tried to disregard the poor and the weak — aristocrats have perennially made the best gnostics.

But Gnosticism has never met such a friendly atmosphere as this present Totalistic Banal Culture of the universal marketplace.

Think of it: our totalitarian banality — where God’s infinity, beauty and goodness are almost completely obfuscated — is like a giant ocean of gasoline, and gnosticism is a single Bic.

The whole globalized marketplace will develop an allergy to Christianity, particularly to Orthodoxy. The more theological, and sacramental, and traditional and anti-passion a church is, the more “de-valued” it will become.

This is the challenge. We need a strategy. Stay tuned.

Fr. Jonathan Tobias                               (Versione Italiana)


June 22, 2014

Israel was elected as vice-chair of the UN Special Committee on Decolonization.

The committee deals with matters related to the Palestinian cause, like probing the Israeli occupation to Palestine, following the international resolutions on this cause and investigating the Israeli violations to the international law and human rights.   (link)

Next I suppose that they will elect Jack the Ripper as Chief Surgeon of the Worldwide United Hospitals.


June 20, 2014

A Slavjansk si moltiplicano i bambardamenti di chiese: l’altro ieri vi abbiamo presentato le rovine della cappela accanto alla chiesa di san Serafino di Sarov nel sobborgo di Cherevkovka. Ora a Slavjansk hanno bombardato la cattedrale di Sant’Aleksandr Nevskij e la chiesa della Risurrezione, mostrata nel seguente video:

Purtroppo in quest’ultima chiesa è morto il custode, di cui vedete il feretro di fortuna (pregate per il riposo dell’anima del servo di Dio Aleksandr)

Le notizie delle chiese attaccate a Slavjansk ci arrivano perché nella Repubblica di Donetsk la stampa è libera. Non osiamo pensare a cosa stia succedendo nell’Ucraina occidentale, dove giungono voci, che per ora non è possibile confermare (censura dei media?), di preti ortodossi ucraini del Patriarcato di Mosca costretti a fuggire in Russia mentre uniati e scismatici – inclusi i leader del loro clero – li minacciano apertamente di morte, e le loro chiese di distruzione. (una conferma posso fornirla io – ndM)


Il locum tenens della cattedra metropolitana di Kiev, il metropolita Onufrij di Chernovtsy e della Bucovina, in un’intervista a “Interfax-Religion” si è soffermatro tra le altre cose sulle cause spirituali dei tragici eventi che si svolgono oggi in Ucraina.

“Vediamo un conflitto di interessi economici, politici, e se volete, spirituali tre Oriente e Occidente, e questa crepa si è estesa in Ucraina. Questa è la nostra tragedia” – in particolare, ha detto il presule.

“L’Oriente ha i suoi valori, l’Occidente i propri, noi siamo una zona cuscinetto tra Oriente e Occidente”, così ha detto, soffermandosi sulla differenza di questi valori:

“Un quarto di secolo dopo la persecuzione atea, cerchiamo con i poveri e i bisognosi nella nostra terra di rivivere la fede in Cristo e rafforzare la sua Chiesa, e l’Europa ci mostra già un esempio specifico di una vita senza Cristo, in cui non si presta attenzione ai comandamenti del Signore, ai suoi divieti. Al contrario, si incoraggia sempre di più il permissivismo, secondo il quale la vita non è santificata dalla legge di Dio, ma dai desideri umani. ”

“Oggi tutto il mondo è come diviso in due campi: un campo sono quelle persone che vogliono mantenere in vigore ed efficaci le leggi morali date da Dio all’uomo per il suo beneficio. E la seconda metà viola queste leggi. Per esempio, il matrimonio. Dio ha benedetto il matrimonio dell’uomo e della donna, di Adamo ed Eva. Non di due Adami, non di due Eve. Ma ad Adamo ed Eva ha detto: “Siate fecondi e moltiplicatevi”. E ora introducono leggi che Dio condanna, come il matrimonio gay ”

“Un altro esempio. Cristo vieta all’uomo di disporre della sua vita – ne dispone Dio. E ora vogliono introdurre una legge sull’eutanasia, di fatto, legalizzare il peccato del suicidio”.

“Oggi, nel nostro tempo, l’aborto legalizzato quando erano al potere i senza Dio, è difeso da persone che si ritengono credenti, che posano la mano sulla Bibbia e giurano su di essa”.

“Perciò, quelle leggi che oggi ci offre il nuovo mondo europeo sono per noi inaccettabili. Non possiamo contribuire e partecipare a questo mondo. Abbiamo bisogno di mantenere l’unità con le persone che custodiscono la legge di Dio.

Il fatto è che se non ci sono sulla terra persone che mantengono l’ordine della vita di Dio, la vita dell’umanità è destinata all’auto-distruzione”, – ha concluso il presule.

Padre Ambrogio